Sunday, October 25, 2009

One Proud Momma

Yesterday my dad came up from Miami to visit and celebrate my firstborn’s 9th birthday (Wow!!!! I can hardly believe that she’s 9 already!) While he was here he asked her about school and what she was studying. This week was on hold and she proudly announced it (enter homeschool shame). However, I encouraged her to show granddaddy her bible verse box that contains all her verses that we are working on. We try to learn one a week.

Now, it played out in my mind like this: her snuggling up next to him and them reading the verses together. (read- she could read the verses and cause no embarrassment to her teacher! HA) But what happened was, she handed him the box to look through on his own and she went back to playing on the floor. Then my dad decided to quiz her on the verses in the box. I held my breath hoping that she has really learned the verses we have been working on. Verse after verse he gave her the first couple of words and she knew them again and again and again.

Yes the teacher in me was beaming! And the momma in me was ecstatic, but as I took the moment in, it was an eternal joy that took over me. You see, my number two homeschooling goal is for Lucy to learn to love God’s Word. My Jesus says that in the beginning was the Word and then He became flesh among us. My Sustainer says that His Word is delightful. My Provider says that a young one can keep her way pure by hiding His Word in her heart. The Giver Of Life says that His Word is a lamp to her feet. The Lover of her soul says that His Word achieves His purposes.

To me there is no greater legacy I can attempt to offer than to help plant the seeds of His Word into her soul so that later the Holy Spirit can use it to help her, to heal her, to guide her, to sustain her, to give her freedom, and to enable her to live the abundant life she was created to live.

So if I never have another lapbook, science experiment, math test or handwriting sheet to show for her school work (God forbid!) but she has the Word in her heart and on her mind, then I can rest in that. For truly, He is The Teacher and He is enough.

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. Matthew 24:35

Happy birthday Lucy. You are among God’s most precious gifts to me with highest responsibility and greatest rewards. I am so excited to see all that God has for you. You are an amazing young lady, treasured and chosen. I love you!

1 comment:

sodalo said...


I have never had more FUN homeschooling my kids than when we were studying for the Bible Bee and really putting the Word in our hearts... it was our most enjoyable learning experience!

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