Monday, May 30, 2011

One Thousand Gifts

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:18


sleeping in

pushing Stinky Pete on her new swing

snuggling with my youngest

hearing my man pray for and over his kids

being encouraged as I encourage a friend

the unimaginable depth of Gods love

quiet mornings

new recipes

breakfast with my family

pretty toes

an affordable car repair

dancing with my girls and my mom to the wii

driving through Chicago

laughing with my man

art exhibits

funnel cakes

live music

watching my mom enjoy my girls

M&M cookies from the bakery

a family trip to DQ

getting JUST ME ready on Sunday morning

watching my man do what he was created to do

seeing my girls fish with their papa

a fabulously cooked steak

sitting with my family on the back porch in perfect weather

tons of hot water

a warm day

my hubby having a whole day off!! 

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