Monday, January 10, 2011

One Thousand Gifts

I must be honest, these last few weeks of being limited and stuck on the couch with my bum leg have made it easy to find frustration and lack. But God is so sweet and faithful. When I choose to look, blessings abound.

"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has." Epictetus


A friend who calls to say hello

being able to sleep on my side again

noticing what a beautiful young lady my firstborn is becoming

a friend who comes to cook me and the girls lunch

my girls being so helpful

focaccia bread

hearing Stinky Pete pray at bedtime

an answered prayer

a friend texting a prayer

dinner that's delivered

a walk in shower

hearing Stinky Pete run down the hall when she thinks she's being quiet

watching Mike make things right with Lucy

leftover Christmas candy

being appreciated by my man

my accountability partner

Mike taking his daughter on a date

spending the day with my youngest

watching a movie with Stinky Pete in my lap

junior mints

a friend that is such a kindred spirit

a hubby who is so very gracious

fabric for a new project

a lunch and movie date with friends

my home

a play date for Lucy

home made blankets

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