"it’s only in the expressing of gratitude for the life we already have that we discover the life we’ve always wanted—a life we can take, give thanks for, and break for others. We come to feel and know the impossible right down in our bones: we are wildly loved — and by God." -Ann Voskamp
39. my biggest cheerleader always encouraging me (that's YOU mom! I love you!!)
40. my favorite sweatshirt
41. friends that like to bless my kids
42. friends that bless my hubby
43. a long hot shower with tons of water pressure
44. being able to be a listening ear for a friend
45. Lucy getting her math ALL right! (You don't know the big deal this is!!)
46. Stinky Pete being able to entertain herself while Lucy and I work on school
47. crazy hair night at AWANA
48. time for a game of Chutes and Ladders
49. a clean house50. girls who love to help me clean!
51. cream cheese rolls
52. a home big enough to host group comfortably
53. rejoicing with a friend who is proud (and rightfully so) of her kids
54. laughing till my sides hurt with friends
55. more friends blessing my man
56. pumpkin pie with whip cream
57. seeing how cute my youngest is wearing daddy's t-shirt as jammies to bed
58. meaningful, thought provoking conversation with Mike
59. braided piggy tails!
60. seeing a 4 year old be generous unprompted in co-op
61. chatting with a new 5 year old about his birthday loot
62. Dimples (The little boy sitting next to Stinky Pete has the cutest smile!)
63. watching a room full of 4 and 5 year olds play duck duck goose
64. seeing my oldest excited about a new crocheting skill
65. hearing moms encourage other moms
66. a long car ride chatting with my friend about life
67. a beautiful purple and orange sunset
68. a surprise birthday party for a friend
(here is a link to watch the SURPRISE video)
69. hearing Stinky Pete make up a song
70. watching my oldest teach a friend how to crochet
71. my favorite socks
72. dinner with friends at a fun new restaurant
73. being a part of a church body where there is an incredible vision (you can read about it here)
74. a friend who I can be honest with and who is honest with me
75. hearing God speak
76. my man having a boss that encourages him
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