Friday, September 3, 2010

I got a new....


While that is great and fine and dandy and I REALLY LOVE it, I am soo super excited about the camera that is on it!!  It has all these cool effects and options and, well, more stuff than I know what to do with. I have wanted a new camera forEVER and now I have one!! Waahooo! (I'm doing a happy dance now!)

I went a little bananas today, so I wont subject you the picture taking marathon I participated in this morning, but I will show you my two favs.

Oh, it snaps so quick, I can catch them in mid-air now!  Cannonball!?!

What fun settings this thing has!  I have no idea what most of them do actually, but I thought this turned out pretty cool. Such a cutie.

I know I said two, but this one is funny.

Princess Pouty Face had reached her limit of saying 'Cheese!' 
Ok, maybe I provoked that, but I have lots of lost time to make up for!

Oh you can be sure there will be more to come from this fun new toy!!

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