I realize that moving is a process and grieving is normal, but there were a couple of occasions that her sensitivity was very evident and my heart hurt for her as she was finding her way through this. As a parent, of course, I want to protect her from all pain, but it was so intriguing to observe her actions and reactions. Mike and I were very excited for this move and had real peace about the whole deal. As we left loved ones who were sad, Mike and I helped coach Lucy and remind her that this was a good thing God had for us.
As we said our last goodbyes and got settled in on the road, there were truly some bittersweet moments. The girls got tucked into a movie and since Mike was driving the Uhaul truck and I was driving our vehicle, I had some quiet time to think. It dawned on me just how impressionable my kids are and how important my job as a parent is. But then I got to thinking about myself and I had to ask, "Where am I picking up my attitudes from? Am I subject to every influence that blows my way?"
Lucy has done amazingly well with this transition and I believe that one reason is because Mike and I have been so positive about it. She is connected to us and copies us. That's how she learns. She is imitating what she sees in us. So as I began to try to answer this question for myself, it occurred to me, "How connected am I to my Heavenly Father? Am I copying what I see in Him? Am I learning His ways?"
The Scriptures teach us that Jesus only did what He saw His Father do and that I am to learn from Him. Jesus coaches us over and over through scripture in this way; "Don't be afraid, here is my peace, I want you to have joy. "
That's not to say that I think we should live in some happily ever after fairy tail world. The Word is clear that troubles will come, but am I living in chaos because of these troubles? Or am I connected to my Father and emulating His character?
I was reminded this morning in our corporate worship time as we looked at the first few verses in Romans that we have a choice. We can choose to be slaves to fear or we can choose to be connected to our Abba. Daddy. The price has been paid and the gift has been given. It's up to us how we want to be influenced.
MercyMe has a song on their first independent album entitled Just Like Your Father. The chorus says this:
You're just like your father, ya got your daddy's ways.
You walk so close to Him, you picked up His traits.
You're just like your father, ya got your daddy's ways.
Just like the man I met when I was saved.
You're just like your father.
Lord Jesus, forgive me for the times I choose to be slaved in fear. It is the very antonym of who you are. I want to be connected to you and pick up your traits. Not only for my own personal benefit for also for my children and those who might be looking at me to learn how to live. Thank you Jesus that you did not leave us here on our own as orphans. Thank you for your Spirit who comforts, guides and leads. Help me to choose you and stay connected.
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