That is so great! I can fast from bad thoughts! I can fast from beating myself up about my mistakes from the past. I can fast from obsessing about my insecurities. I can fast from assuming financial doom. I can fast from dwelling on others faults. I can fast from thinking of my blessings as burdens.
And what a great thing to fast! Who REALLY wants to think these kind of thoughts all day long anyway? Is it really even giving up anything? And didn't Paul say something about only thinking on things that are pure, noble and lovely?
2 Corinthians 10 tells us that we have the power to bring every thought into captivity. And that is really where so much of the battle is...in the mind. 2 Corinthians 2 also tells us that we have been given the mind of Christ. Amazing!
Thank you Jesus that you give us the power to reign in our thoughts. Your gifts are astounding and leave me speechless! Help me walk in the freedom of a beautiful fast and healthy mind.
Love this... I needed it today!
Love this... I needed it today!
Love this... I needed it today!
Love this... I needed it today!
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