Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Favorite Quotes

There were lots of great quotes on Twitter last week. Here are a few of my favs.

Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable. ~ David Augsburger  

Where family identity is STRONG, peer pressure is WEAK. Where family identity is WEAK, peer pressure is STRONG. Greg Groschel

Life is a long lesson in humility. James M. Barrie  

Let's not live a just enough life while serving a more than enough God!-  

"We do not do Christ's teaching justice till we worship him." -PT Forsyth

Grace is not about treating wrong as if it's alright. Wrong is never alright, that's why the grace of rescue and forgiveness is precious. Paul Tripp

Nothing in today will surprise your God, or catch him off guard or find him unprepared. Go live in the day he made. Jon Acuff

Church denominations exist because so many scholars have stomped off the playground with the ball. Donald Miller

God doesn't want something from us. He simply wants us-CSLewis

Gratitude is a spiritual muscle. You build it up by working it out daily - Tim Sanders

I have never met a mature follower of Christ who did not have a trophy case full of trials... James1:2-8 Crawford Loritts

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