Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

I am so excited so see what God has in store for 2011!

The last two weeks I have been (and still am) recovering from a surgery that removed some metal in my leg put in years ago.  Consequently, I've had lots of time to read and think.  I have several blogger friends that have chosen a word and/or a verse for the year as well as lots of new years resolutions.  It's been a great time to reflect the blessings of 2010 and ponder what 2011 will hold.

One of the things I am most excited about it a HUGE group of women memorizing scripture together here in the blog world. I have participated in this before and it is such an encouragement to me. I encourage you to take a look and check it out. It's so neat to see, literally thousands of people (mostly women) joining together for accountability, twice a month to hide God's word in their hearts. Accountability is such a blessing!

I'll be sharing my verse with you on the 1st and 15th of the month and would love for you to join me if you'd like, and/or hold me accountable for the verse I'm working on. And since today is the first, here is my first verse for the year.

Galations 5:25 "If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit." 

I love the whole passage of Galations 5, as it talks about freedom and life. I also feel like it confirms my word for the year; obedience.  I think I have been missing out on so much  because I have been running ahead of God, constantly rushing to the next thing, and also leaving God and dwelling far to much on the past. One of the great things about counting One Thousand Gifts is that it has caused me to live in the moment.

The truth is that's how Jesus lived. He only did and said what He heard and saw His father do.  So, I have come to the cross roads that my actions have to line up with my words. I either believe that He has what's best in mind for me and is with me and given me everything for life, or I don't. And when I run ahead, stressing, worrying, and pushing and when I lag behind, obsessing, rehearsing, reliving what I can't change, I am acting in my own limited vision. And in short and most precious, missing His presence.  So this year, my goal is to learn to keep in step with the Spirit and experience the freedom and life He died to give me.  

So how about you? What's on your mind for the new year? Have a word or a verse? I'd love to hear your hopes for 2011.

You crown the year with Your good blessings, and You leave abundance in Your wake. Psalm 65:11

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