“When gratitude is bound by circumstances, lives are bound to bitterness.” Anne Voskamp
“When gratefulness knows no limits, life enlarges.” Anne Voskamp
77. a hubby who keeps me laughing: “I sent that burp packing west!”
78. an easy school day
79. getting the laundry done
80. being confident that He WILL complete this good work in me
81. hearing Lucy sing in the shower
82. freshly paved train tracks
83. a fall colored, tree covered road
(this wasn't the road. I was driving and couldn't take a pic, but this was the idea)
84. a good health report for a friends dad
85. officially being part of the “Minivan Mom’s Club”
86. getting to run to Wal-Mart by myself
87. coming home to a clean kitchen - that I didn’t clean!
88. a hubby that continually makes me laugh : “Do you know why they call it a four toes sloth? Because it has one more!” (I’m laughing again even typing that!)
89. listening to my husband be an amazing dad to our kids and hearing him connect with them
90. the vail has been torn - I no longer need a priest!
91. hearing God speak and being filled up again!
92. first morning hugs from my kids
93. making blueberry muffins for my family for breakfast
94. my kids showing me honor and making my bed
95. hearing Lucy tell Stinky Peter how blessed we are
96. knowing she is “getting it”
97. beautiful handwriting
98. no bills in the mail
99. licking the beaters...
100. ...and the spatchula...
101. ...and the bowl (don’t judge me! I skipped lunch :) )
102. homeschooling
103. being brought up in and around the Body of Christ
104. twitter
105. pink ruffles
108. hearing a friend brag on my kids
109. laughing till I’m crying with my group (SG unite!)
110. watching my man become the leader God designed him to be
111. the internet turned back on
112. the veterans in my family, Dad, Earl, David, Mark, and Tom and Bill
113. honest conversations with a friend
114. finding a dance leotard for 5 bucks!!
115. Dr. Pepper
116. 8 hours of uninterrupted, restful sleep!!!
117. Friday!!
118. a king size bed
119. new socks ( I should warn you, I'm a bit of a nut about socks!)
120. being able to get back in to my favorite jeans!! YES! I am down 10 pounds!!
121. Lucy getting late birthday presents
122. friends who watch my girls
123. sleeping in and having a lazy Saturday morning
124. Sunday afternoon naps
125. living in a town where a quick run to the store really is quick!
117. Friday!!
118. a king size bed
119. new socks ( I should warn you, I'm a bit of a nut about socks!)
120. being able to get back in to my favorite jeans!! YES! I am down 10 pounds!!
121. Lucy getting late birthday presents
122. friends who watch my girls
123. sleeping in and having a lazy Saturday morning
124. Sunday afternoon naps
125. living in a town where a quick run to the store really is quick!
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