...as in homemaker. (HA!)
I have been in the creating mood lately! Actually, I was at my girlfriend Allison's house a couple of weeks ago and she was showing me all these beautiful dresses she had sewn.
I got inspired.
I had a few minutes and dollars and ran to the fabric store. The patterns were on sale for $1 EACH and they had all the valentine fabric 40% off. I tell ya, they practically paid me to take this stuff out of the store! I made the girls some jammy pants using this pattern. They turned out pretty cute and the girls love them!

They each got a pair of yellow and blue ones.
(They wanted the pink and blue solid parts swapped like that!)

I love the little lady bugs on the yellow ones.

And the Valentine fabric.
Then I ran across this cute pattern and
used some of the leftovers to make these.

These will be so cute to use at our Valentine's exchange next week.

1 comment:
Yippie! Imitation is the highest form of flattery, or compliment! I am the very afore mentioned inspiring Alison, herself! It is a personal calling of mine to charge people up to delve into their dreams, rather than talk about them.
Great job, Rachel! The P.J.'s look almost as cute as your girls! I don't think you will ever realize how much love and empowerment your girls will receive from you as you set out and make things with and for them. You are not just making tote bags they can be proud to own, you are making the most valuable memories for their childhood. Their little love-banks must be so full! Keep it up!
Thank you for paying me this great compliment, it is encouraging that I may have shared something inspiring from my cluttered life, but remember Rachel, you are the one who did something with your inspiration. . . rather than just say, "I always wanted to do something for the girls. . . etc. Lord willing, your new blog will inspire others to value motherhood with all it's many facets of demonstrating love and self sacrifice above all the so called profit and achievement a career outside the presence of one's children would seem to offer.
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